First World Problems

Two Out Of Three Will Get You Kicked Out In A Snow Storm.

Welcome back! Step into my parlor. 

I am a huge music fan. However there is no song which fills me with such inexplicable rage as Meatloaf’s “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad.” I’m not certain if we’re supposed to feel sorry for the narrator of this song, as he speaks about his partner being cold to him, and all the tears he’s shedding, because he clearly states in the song that he will never love her, but hey he wants and needs her, eh. I assure you young man, that your snivelling is nothing compared to the tears and the pain she’s experienced because of you. 

There is nothing so painful as a one sided relationship. Common sense would tell you to walk away, but hearts and hormones are fickle creatures, that do not always behave in a sensible fashion. It is endlessly fascinating to me that one person can give nothing in a relationship, and then be surprised when the other person has had enough. “But I’ve been hurt!” they cry. “I’ve been crushed! Destroyed! Heartbroken!” None of that is anything compared to what your significant other is going through  now. They do not deserve to suffer because you can’t grapple your past. Wives should not be dealing with your past relationship issues. Boyfriends should not be on the receiving end of your unresolved problems with your ex. It’s cruel and you have ceased being the victim except in your own head. This seems to be an ongoing theme, but I would highly recommend therapy if you cannot come to terms with ending a relationship that occured 5, 10, 15 even 20 years ago. 

I know I will  sound a tad nihilistic, but life is painful. Love is hard. It hurts to give out those little pieces of yourself be it to friends, lovers, your children. It hurts to share yourself. We hand out those pieces knowing that we will never get them back. Some will get trod on, some will be treasured, and some will change, for good or ill, but that’s life. The pain is how we know we’re still alive.

So yes Meatloaf. Two out of three is bad. If she is cold to you, you deserve it. If she’s withdrawn emotionally, you have no one to blame but yourself. So wipe your nose. Apologize and let her find real love, admit that you’re the problem and you need to handle your issues, because while you may need her, she certainly doesn’t need you.

Until next time gentle readers. Keep your Earl Grey hot, and your pants comfortable.


A ball of anxiety trying to function like an adult. A super-fan of The Kids in The Hall, Stephen King, and oblique Sylvia Plath quotes.